Drop off and Pick Up are the busiest times of day at Bradford. Here’s a list of information about what to do (and where to go) if you’re kid is a walker, busser, biker, or anything else!
Big call out – any questions or concerns about transportation, call the Transportation Office at 973-509-4055 OR 4062.
Important Car Line Drop Off Details:
- Pull up to the car drop-off line at the College Ave. curbside cut-out heading north. The street will be one-way during drop-off time (8:30am-9am) and you will only be able to drive in this direction (North).
- Drive up to the forward most spot available so others can pull up behind you.
- Discharge on curbside ONLY
- Don’t double-park and let your child walk between cars to get to the curb.
- Don’t discharge your child until you are IN the cut-out.
- Do not get out of the car. A Bradford staff member will be around and help your child if necessary.
- Staff supervises kids as they walk to Courtyard Door F.
- The child’s safety is our primary concern.
Pick-Up: At Dismissal time (3:05pm), adults should wait for their child in the courtyard. If you are picking up your child early in the day, go to the office, sign the student out, and the child will be called down to the office to meet you. Changes to your child’s normal pick up (walker pick up vs. busser) should be sent to your child’s teacher in writing by a parent/guardian.
Bussed Children Routine (Bussers): Your child’s bus name (Black Squirrel, Red Fish etc) as well as pick-up and drop-off times are in Genesis on your child’s profile. Each bus has a bus driver and aide along for the ride. Buses drop off at Mt. Hebron Rd. circular drive. Children enter Door Q, then walk directly to their classrooms. Children must go home on their assigned bus routes (they can’t go on a friend’s bus for a play date etc). In the event you miss picking up your child from the bus stop, here’s what happens: All children continue on the bus route and then ARE BROUGHT TO THE NEXT SCHOOL ON THE DAILY BUS ROUTE. You can ask your bus driver where you can pick up your child in the event such a situation occurs.
Walking Children Routine (Walkers): Walk your child to Courtyard Door F (not on the front doors on Mt. Hebron Rd.). Doors don’t open until 8:40 am and close promptly at 8:50am. Do not park on the school side of College Avenue. Street parking is tight, so be ready to walk a bit. Don’t park on College Ave. cut-out, in either staff parking lot, or a resident’s driveway.
Biking to School? The bike rack is located outside the music room near College Ave. parking lot. Children should enter through Courtyard Door F. Don’t forget to bring a bike lock!
Late Drop-Off: If you arrive after 8:50am, you won’t see staffers at the College Ave. curb cut-out. Don’t drop off your child there – Courtyard Door F will be locked. Park and bring the student to the office, using the front doors on Mt. Hebron Rd.
Final Reminders:
- When parking near the school at any time, please don’t block a resident’s driveway – even “just for a minute.”
- If your child’s caregiver is responsible for drop-off/pick-up, please share this with them.
- College Avenue is one-way going north from Mt. Hebron Rd. to Brainard St. from 8:35 am-8:50am. Cars will not be allowed to travel south during this time period
- The pick up and drop off area around school is a no idling zone. Please respect this and turn off your cars.