Absences: Please call the main office at 973-509-4220 and press 1. Absences for 3 or more days require a doctor’s note
School Office: 973-509-4220
Principal: Mr. Major Jennings – mbjennings@montclair.k12.nj.us
Assistant Principal: Ms. Nisha Gandhi – ngandhi@montclair.k12.nj.us
Secretary to the Principal: Ms. Cheryl Cottle – ccottle@montclair.k12.nj.us
Arrival: 7:40 am (students marked late after 7:50 am)
Dismissal: 2:09 pm (12:40 pm on early dismissal days)
Car Drop-off & Pick-Up: On Lorraine Avenue (behind the school), pull-up, stay in car
Buses Drop off & Pick Up: In the front of the building (Bellevue Ave). Bellevue Avenue is a no parking zone during school hours; parking permitted after 4 pm
Genesis: Go to http://parent.montclair.k12.nj.us for schedules, grades and teacher contacts. Having problems logging in? Email parentaccess@montclair.k12.nj.us with your student’s name, your name, the issue you are having, and your phone number.
PTA Questions?: ptapres@buzzaldrinpta.org