Newsletter #9 Nov. 9, 2021
Español? Por favor lea más abajo.
CHB Coffee for Caregivers: THIS Thursday, November 11 at drop off. Have a cup and a chat!
The PTA is hosting our CHB fall party.
Enjoy local beer and snacks at Montclair Brewery (Walnut St.)
Please note: While the brewery is kid friendly, we would love for caregivers to give yourselves a night off.
Details: Nov. 13, 2021 6-9pm
Support CHB 5th graders’ ‘Moving Up’ festivities
Place your pie order by Wed., Nov. 17th
Pick up pies Nov. 23rd & Nov. 24th
Gluten-free & no sugar options available
Order DELICIOUS pies here.
Please consider donating a pie to CHB families in need.
Bullock continues its annual tradition of sharing Thanksgiving meals with our CHB community.
For a complete meal with all the fixings please complete this form no later than Nov. 11.
Meal pick up will be Nov. 23, 3-5pm
Any questions:
Contact CHB school counselor Lauren Gutierrez
973-509-4255 x5756
Hey, do you have a favorite holiday recipe?
Share it with us and we’ll send out a collection later this month:
Member Hub Update
Please remember to join your class hubs. This helps with parent communications. Thanks for your cooperation.
Community Events
Join Watchung Booksellers and CHB parentauthor Jason Patterson for an in-store activity and book signing of the new children’s graphic novel series Barb the Last Berzerker.
Sunday, November 14 at 2:00 p.m.
Thanks for your support CHB families!
Your CHB PTA crew
Kim, Jaime, Shira, Sandy, Devika and Kristine.
Reach out:
Traducción en español
Próximos eventos:
Cafe para cuidadores: 11 de noviembre durante las horas de entrada de los estudiantes.
Fiesta para cuidadores: 13 de noviembre 6:00pm-9:00pm, Montclair Brewery, calle Walnut.
Para recibir comida gratis de Thanksgiving/acción de gracias (un programa de CHB): haga clic aquí para registrarse. Preguntas? Llame al Sra. Gutierrez.
Estamos buscando recetas navideñas! Compártelos con nosotros aquí(en español también).
Venta de pasteles para acción de gracias: ordene aqui!
PTA School Events Calendar
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The CHB PTA is an affiliate of the National
and New Jersey PTAs and is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.