PTA Calendar Sept-Oct 2022
**Note: you can subscribe to the PTA calendar so that these events automatically pop up in Gcal or Outlook—scroll to the bottom for instructions
- Friday 9/16: Welcome Back Family Picnic (and spirit wear fire sale)–CHB Playground, 6:00pm-8:00pm- bring a picnic with you and connect with new and old friends; Note: bathroom/school not open during this event.
- Tuesday 9/20: First PTA Meeting of the Year -VIRTUAL- 8:00pm: we will share our goals for the year, review our budget, discuss the Green Ball (our annual fundraising party) and answer any questions you have. Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 234 397 7694, password: chb.
- Thursday 9/22: Early dismissal and Back to School Night (in-person from 6:00pm-8:00pm)
Coming up….
- Friday 9/23: After School Enrichment registration starts at 8pm
- Saturday 10/15: Pancake Breakfast at CHB
- Monday 10/11: After School Enrichment begins (more information below)
- Thursday 10/20: Early dismissal
****Psst: The best way to learn about our events is to read our weekly newsletters, which are sent via the MemberHub platform, the same place you can purchase tickets to our paid events! If you have CHB friends who aren’t subscribed, please forward this to them.
Important: After School Enrichment: all course and registration info can be found here. Financial aid is available for one course per child- contact Ms. Gutierrez for more information.
Volunteer for committees here and learn about our initiatives on our website. We are still looking for help leading these committees (among others): Assemblies and Field Trips, Eco-Fair/Action, 4th Grade Fundraising and Field Trip, Father’s Committee, Family Dance Party.
Please support your school by becoming a PTA member here.
Thank you for reading!
Your CHB PTA crew
Shira, Ashley, Shelby, Devika and Kristine.
Reach out:
PTA School Events Calendar
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How to Sync the Calendar to Your Android Phone