- Number of Participants – 29
- Approval of November 2021 PTA Meeting Notes
Welcome and Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Principal’s Report
- Trying to keep up with the rise in COVID-19 cases.
- Please be patient with administration.
- Staffing Update
- No update on the art teacher position. Waiting for some things to be finalized before providing an update.
- Assessment and Adjustment of Instruction, Evaluation and Placement
- Start Strong Data
- Not to use this data for placement or an individual piece of data for a student. Was supposed to be a benchmark.
- Looking at Ren Learning, Acadience, etc.
- If scores were low, do not worry.
- All conversations about data. ELA/SS and Math/Science partnered together and looked at all tests and looked at two standards that need remediation.
- Course pathways for 8th graders will be reviewed by Ms. Goforth in 2022.
- Cold Weather COVID Protocol Updates
- Can separate Houses in half – Half in Catchings Suite and half in cafeteria.
- 40 degrees for eating; 32 degrees for playing outside.
- Tents are set up and one side can be raised for ventilation.
- Masking inside the building – how can we reinforce students to wear it properly in the hallways?
- During last school year, students would be sent home for improper mask wearing.
- Indoor air purifiers?
- Ventilation system is working so Glenfield will not really need that many purifiers.
- Recap of Safety/Security Protocols (e.g., Lockdown/Shelter in Place)
- All NJ public schools must have 2 drills a month – either fire or shelter in place.
- School Safety Team is responsible for executing the drills each month. They review the positives and areas for improvement.
- Coordinating with fire and police departments on drills to come back and review processes.
- Will call a shelter in place if they cannot find a student or need to contain a situation.
- Safety procedures cannot be shared with parents or the public.
- Any jokes or threat of weapons – there will be an overreaction from the administration.
- Start Strong Data
Treasurer’s Report
- Account status summary
- Membership Drive
- Annual Appeal
- Security gates fundraiser – panic bar needed
- Will receive final budget numbers to share with the Glenfield community
- Spirit Wear Store
- Glenfield Garb – 100 orders
- Email glenfieldspiritwear@gmail.com if you have questions about your order.
- Glenfield Garb – 100 orders
PTA Events/Activities
- In-person on hold with spike in infection rates
- Will reassess in connection with updated district guidelines next month
- Parent Volunteer Rules
- Ponds was coordinating with principals to have a district policy for parent volunteers.
- Pierce will be strict with not allowing volunteers into the building while the cases are on the rise.
- PTA Nominating Committee – 1 volunteer needed to complete the basic committee. Need 1 alternate.
- Tatiana and Amira volunteered.
- Time commitment is low for the committee.
- PTA provided Glenfield spirit wear to each Glenfield teacher
SATp Update (Events/Initiatives/Updates)
- Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 11 – SEL/Culture and Climate
- 125th Anniversary Committee – Reunion Event is scheduled for June 5th in Glenfield Park
- DEI Committee – Community Kick-Off Event January 16th (tentative)
- Working on mission and goals to share with the community
- Working on a survey for teachers and students.
BOE/PTAC Updates
- Update on BOE Vacancy Process and Special Election
- Al Davis passed away in early December and the seat is open (January 2022 – January 2023)
- Now with Type 2 status, that position is filled by the BOE.
- Anyone who is interested in can submit their resume by January 5 and decision made by January 19.
- March 8 special election – special election for the new 2 seats to make the Board to 9 seat elected rather than 7 seats. (1 year and 8 months term)
- Every year, three board seats will be up for election.
- November 2022 election will have the seats open for Ms. Church, Jannah.
- Board Reports – there were 2 presentations by liaisons by the NJ Board of Education
- The difference between school types
- Missing Days from too many COVID cases to move to the remote option.
- Need at least a 4 hour day to count towards the 180 days required.
- Phase 1 of ventilation improvements is completed.
- Windows should still be cracked.
- Working with MEA and facilities to remediate any too cold or hot classrooms.
- Buildings/Facilities working on the issues at Hillside
- NJSBA Presentations on Type 1 to Type 2 Transition; BOE Member Roles, Responsibilities and Ethics
- Facilities/COVID Updates
- Reflections Program, PTAC Committee work
New Business/Q&A
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 18 at 7:00pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm