Hillside Elementary PTA Meeting
September 25, 2020, 9:30 a.m.
Via Zoom
Welcome and Introductions:
- Brian called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. and welcomed new families to our school community
- Brian provided an overview of the PTA mission, vision, and commitment to equity
- PTA Board members did a round of introductions
- Participants unanimously approved June 2020 PTA meeting minutes
Principal Update:
- Dr. Anglin and Mr. Adamo welcomed participants and introduced themselves, sharing what’s special about the Hillside gifted and talented magnet
- Dr. Anglin acknowledged that Back to School Night was different this year and the energy of coming together in the auditorium was sorely missed
- Even though this year looks and feels very different, feedback from families about remote learning has been positive and supportive so far
- Teachers / admin are working to find the right balance between asynchronous and synchronous instruction
- Working closely with Nishuane to make sure communications feel streamlined and connected
- 100% of classrooms have been cleaned and sterilized. Reviewed square footage to determine how many people can fit in spaces in accordance with CDC guidelines. Removed unnecessary furniture to storage areas to maximize space.
- Adding directional tape on the floors throughout the building to help everyone visualize 6 ft.
- Ventilation continues to be a focus, no update on status yet but the district is working on it
- Curriculum Night will take place on 10/15, following the PTA meeting at 6:30. Will be sending a 2-3 question survey to families to solicit questions and areas on which we should focus.
- Reviewed calendar of activities
- Considering a virtual Halloween, family night, talent show, and book fair
- Winter Showcase will perform on 1 day only. Thinking through the logistics.
- No Explorers programming this Fall. The team will offer Winter classes if there’s interest
- Missing Class Liaisons for 4 classes; working with teachers to recruit. Planning CL intro session.
- Reviewed the overall budget and PTA cash position
- We will fundraise as specific needs arise
- There was an ask to renew PTA memberships
SATp Update:
- SATp shared a committee overview, including its charter and 6 areas of focus
- Social justice is a hot topic this year
- We want to make every event is accessible and welcoming
- Anyone interested in joining SATp should reach out to Yvette
- Erica confirmed that Mendi Obadike will be a co-chair this year
PTA Council Update:
- Brian gave an overview of the work of the PTA Council
- There are ample opportunities for families to get involved at the district level (communications, finance, facilities, curriculum, special ed, tech, policy, etc.).
- Some current areas of focus are forming a parent organization at the high school, school start times, screen overload, outdoor learning.
- Still on track to launch on Nov. 1 hybrid model
Questions & Answers:
- Dr. Anglin confirmed that we can and should have drop boxes at Hillside for coat drives, etc.
- There was a question about the district equity department. Dr. Anglin confirmed that this department is alive and active and any open discussion is about the structure of one advisory role. Whatever we do at Hillside will be in lock step with the district. We want to develop strong and lasting goals and objectives.
- We are looking for someone to be part of the SEPAC. Attendees congratulated Allison Silverstein, former SEPAC representative, on her Board of Ed appointment.
- The Tech Awareness group expressed concern on where to focus this year. Dr. Anglin will work with the group to evaluate the right approach. Another suggestion was to leverage resources in Parent University.
- Question on how to help kids who are struggling from the lack of connection. Brian is connecting parents through Facebook. On Sept. 30 we’ll have a way to share parent lists and updates.
Meeting Attendees:
- Betty Shvetz
- Brian Fleischer
- Tinu Joseph
- Allison Silverstein
- Arway Boker
- Bonnie Hendrix
- Christina Gillham
- Colleen Dougherty
- Dana Rizzo
- Danielle Greenberg
- Deidre Birmingham
- Diane Noepel Tehranian
- Erica Clark-Mitchell
- Erica Ajayi
- Gina Fortt
- Jacqueline
- Jennifer Di Lullo
- Jennifer Hand
- Jennifer Herman
- Joby Abragan
- Jodi Holmes
- John Laing
- Leslie Houseworth-Fields
- Linda Kow
- Marlaina Powell
- Mendi Obadike
- Leah Wolchok
- Paul Glader
- Roger Mosier
- Samanthaa Anglin
- Sheila Boyd
- Sonsaray Owens
- Suresh Hathiramani
- Thomas Adamo
- Trish Miller
- Varsha Hathiramani
- Vicki Lockhardt
- Justin Taylor
- Yvette Frazier