Hillside PTA/SATp Meeting
June 11, 2020
5 p.m.
(Zoom Meeting)
Brian Fleischer called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.
Brian read the draft Statement of Commitment to Equity and Anti-Racism and his hope that this will be reviewed, and steps will be enacted beginning with the first PTA meeting of the new school year.
Approval of minutes from May 26, 2020 meeting
Jennifer shared the draft minutes from the May PTA meeting. In looking at the list of attendees, there were three names that will be updated as per the discussion. Brian motioned to approve the minutes with these changes, Holly seconded, all were in favor.
Treasurer’s Report
Derick provided an update via spreadsheet including the year to date revenue, bank balances, and year-end projections. There are several outstanding expenses between now and the end of the year.
PTA Board Election
Brian reviewed the proposed slate that was announced at the May meeting. No nominations from the floor were sent via email in advance of this meeting, and no additional nominations were made at this time during the meeting.
Jennifer motioned to approve the slate of officers for the 2020-2021 school year (as listed below):
President – Brian Fleischer
VP for Communications – Yvette Frazier
VP for Events – Betty Shvetz
Co-Treasurers – Colleen Dougherty & Dana Rizzo
Secretary – Jennifer Hand
The slate was approved unanimously. Brian thanked the current board members for their service to the PTA this year and welcomed the new board. Current board members thanked Brian for his leadership.
Other PTA volunteer leadership positions
There are still roles we are seeking to fill for various initiatives. Jennifer will send the list to Holly so we can include more information in the weekly blast.
SATp Leadership for Next Year
Erica and Kimya have been meeting to discuss the transition. They are looking for one more person to serve as a vice-chair. Dr. Anglin may have some suggestions. Dr. Anglin expressed interest in continuing with many of the initiatives in some form or another, depending on what happens in the fall with physical school versus virtual. Erica announced that a new subcommittee will be created to address racial injustice at Hillside, Montclair, and the global community.
Update on 5th grade celebrations and other year-end activities
Holly updated the group on 5th grade t-shirts, which will be delivered to Derick – the masks will be delivered to him as well. Susan updated the group on yearbooks – should be ready for Monday morning pick-up at the latest. We will need to confirm what time pick-up will begin. We will find out more information on the fifth grade moving up log-in – this will need to be sent out.
Year-End Gifts
Betty sent out information to class liaisons about year-end gifts and has not heard back from many people. Derick has started to see some donations come in, but attendees aren’t sure if all of the emails have gone out yet. Brian said we also need to make sure to remind people about the 2nd collection through our various channels.
Holly discussed the newsletter content for this week and what else should be added. Discussion about other year-end activities like the pick-ups for 5th graders. Those dates have been announced but we are waiting on dates for 3rd and 4th graders.
COVID-19/remote learning updates/support needs
PTAC was frustrated with the survey that went out – there was not enough detail or clarity on certain items. Brian posted PTAC’s statement on the FB page. The district chose to use the general survey that the state put out. If anyone has any suggestions, please reply on Facebook or send Brian an email.
BOE/PTAC Updates
At PTAC, there was a lot of discussion about racial justice, what the role of PTAs and PTACs should be, etc. Brian will be working on this at the district level. The PTAC executive board was elected at the last meeting. Holly asked if you have to be on PTAC to serve on a committee. Brian indicated that you do not, you just have to be a member of a PTA at one of the schools. Brian will be chairing the committee efforts for PTAC. Many committees were formed this year, and they would like to get them fully activated. Can we lobby for an achievement gap/literacy committee?
Brian mentioned the vacancy on the Board of Education and what might happen in terms of replacement of Anne Mernin’s seat. Another board member’s term is also ending.
Adjourn – being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Meeting Attendees:
Brian Fleischer
Jennifer Brown
Derick Deysel
Holly Hahn
Susan Gardner
Betty Shvetz
Gina Fortt
Allison Silverstein
Dana Rizzo
Colleen Dougherty
Dee Thompson
Yvette Frasier
Erica Mitchell