A Note from the Principal’s Desk – 4.16.2021
Dear Hillside Community,
This was a huge week as we kicked off our Hybrid schedule inclusive of in-person learning. We had 290 students scheduled for in-person learning and 145 students as virtual learners. We ironed out a few kinks, but nothing major, by far nothing that would overshadow the energy and enthusiasm that filled our hallways and classrooms. Here’s to a successful opening!
As a school and broader town community we will continue to stand against hate and harm toward others. It is our responsibility to be each other’s ally. It is our responsibility to care about each other’s well-being with a commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity and anti-racism. We call on all of you to actively participate in our anti-racist community. We call on all of you to take action, model for your children and educate your children by building anti-racist households.
April is Arab American Heritage Month, which honors Arab American culture and pays tribute to the contributions of Arab Americans. Ramadan Mubarak is an Arabic phrase that translates to “blessed Ramadan.” It is a greeting used during Ramadan, the holy month of fasting and prayer for Muslims that lasts for 30 days. Ramadan began at the beginning of this week and will last through May 11th. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim year, during which strict fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset. It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship. Muslims believe that Ramadan teaches them to practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate, thus encouraging actions of generosity and compulsory charity.
Hybrid In-Person Reminders:
Dismissal Changes
Dismissal has proven to be a challenge for many of our families that also have a Nishuane pick-up. At Hillside, we will dismiss five minutes earlier at 1:05pm instead of 1:10pm. Hopefully this adjustment will allow you time to collect your Hillside child first and then make your way to Nishuane for a second pick-up. At Hillside, dismissal will be from 1:05 – 1:20pm. All students not picked-up by 1:20pm will be escorted to the Main Office. At this time children will be available for pick-up at Door K (driveway).
Daily Health Questionnaire
All families are required to complete the daily health questionnaire. The form will be available in Genesis Parent Access on the day of your child’s rotation for hybrid learning. Per District guidelines, if you do not complete the form, your child will not be permitted to enter their classroom and you will receive a call from the office. If this form is not filled out 3 times, your child may be asked to go ALL REMOTE and no longer enter the building for hybrid learning. This form is extremely important. The form can be filled out on the Genesis Parent Portal under message center.
Student Early Pick-up
- If family knows they will need early dismissal, child should have remote day
- For an emergency situation, parent will call the office upon arrival
- The student will be collected and escorted to Door K
- Sign-out procedures will be followed and recorded in the binder and in Genesis
School-wide Mentions:
4/19/21-4/23/21 A2 Week/Bulldog Wednesday- Check the Hybrid Plan for the schedule.
PTA/SATp meeting
Thank you for attending our meeting this morning. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, May 13 at 6:30pm
Hillside Peer Socialization Clubs
The Hillside PTA and its Hillside Peer Socialization Committee are excited to launch our Hillside Peer Socialization Clubs, each of which will be run by Hillside parent volunteers, with support from middle school and high school student volunteers, and all of which are open to all Hillside students free of charge!
We developed these clubs in response to parent demand for increased opportunities for peer socializations, including virtual and outdoor, in-person options. The club topics were developed based on surveys of our students performed by their homeroom teachers. There are space limitations on the clubs, so we encourage parents to review the Sign Up Genius link, below, and enroll on behalf of your Hillside students as soon as possible. We hope to start kicking off the clubs with meetings as early as Monday, next week, and we hope to keep the clubs active for the remainder of the school year.
Hillside SATp Student Voices Bookclubs
The Hillside SATp Social Justice Committee is proud to announce a new After School Program called STUDENT VOICES – a Hillside Social Justice Book Club for students. We will be hosting 3 different clubs after school hours – organized around grade / reading level. Each club will be hosted by a group two HSJ parents along with a Hillside Educator. Book Club members will be reading books curated by our own media center specialist, Ms. Renee Graham. Our clubs will have special guest appearances by Hillside Guidance Counselor, Ms. Sabra Scott. These clubs are free and open to all Hillside students. All books are available to Hillside Students through Epic.com or through a special link that we will send to registrants once you sign up. The Book Clubs start the week of April 19th, and we still have a couple slots left! To signup, please use the link below:
For those families who have already signed up, you will receive an email from Jennifer Di Lullo, HSJ Parent Administrator this weekend with a ZOOM LINK and LINKS TO THE BOOKS.
Hillside/Nishuane/Glenfield Trivia Night – 5/1, save the date!!
Our next Trivia Night is scheduled on Saturday 5/1 at 7pm. More information forthcoming.
PTAC Announcements
The Montclair Mutual Aid is holding another community event on April 18 at 12:00 – 2:00pm @ Glenfield Park. There will be musical performances by local musicians selected by the Parents Who Rock. Lots of food and FREE giveaways – protective masks, toys, books, menstrual products, raffles and more! Please join for a fun family time! See attached flyer for more information. April 18th MMA event.pdf
A Message from Ms. Scott
“Hillside HumpYAY Hangouts” will be on pause for the first week of hybrid learning as we adjust to the new schedule.
A Message from Nurse Boyle
Hello Hillside Families and Friends!
I hope you have a wonderful spring break! If you are a new student to the Montclair School District I need your physicals. I need physicals and vaccines even during remote learning. Here is the link for the medication forms
My phone number is (973) 509-4200 ext 4192. My email address is rboyle@montclair.k12.nj.us
Important Dates
Thursday 4/22: Curriculum Thursday/Abbreviated Day – Morning classes and lunch time concludes at 2:10pm. This will be the end of the school day for students. All afternoon aesthetics are cancelled.
Friday 4/23: Science Day – Students will be supplied a schedule next week.
Samanthaa Lennon Anglin, Ed.D.
Hillside Elementary School ~ Gifted and Talented Magnet
54 Orange Rd., Montclair, NJ
Phone: (973) 509-4200
Fax: (973) 509-1448
Follow us on Twitter: @Hillside_MPS