Hillside PTA Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2021
(via Zoom)
- Brian welcomed everyone
- Approved Hillside PTA April 2021 meeting minutes
Principal Update:
- We know that time in school matters – good energy in the building
- Moving to five days per week for all classified students on Monday
- Child Study Team returning to building Monday
- Wish we could bring back everyone five days, but we can’t accommodate it across all elementary schools within COVID mitigation guidelines
- Moving Up for all schools being planned for outdoors between Woodman and Watchung fields; Hillside tentatively Monday 6/21 @ 11:30am; number of seats for guests TBD; still figuring out what school will look like on that day
- Book Fair was moved inside due to weather, but it was exciting to have families in the building; a lot of donations were made to support our classroom libraries
- SATp doing great work around social justice – recognizing that inclusiveness must be intentional and everlasting, not just confined to a designated month
- Q re: Pool Testing? A: district started with Grade 2, so not yet at Hillside
- Q re: Is 5-day in person for classified students voluntary? A: We track attendance by cohort, live or virtual, so classified students are not an in-person cohort, but we can still record students as virtual/present
Nominating Committee:
- Presented proposed slate:
- Co-Presidents: Betty Shvetz and Yvette Frasier
- VP Events: Sheila Boyd (hoping for another Co-VP Events)
- VP Communications: Shaviece Osborne
- Recording Secretary: Amber Reed
- Co-Treasurers: Dana Rizzo and Jacqueline Ahern
- Lots of volunteer positions, including Committee/Event chairs, still available
Treasurer report:
- Presented treasurer report. Raised $2,636.28 from Annual Appeal; awaiting revenue numbers from Book Fair and Spirit Wear. On the year, we’re currently operating in the red by around $3,400, including the tent purchase, which could be reimbursed from the Fireball account.
Calendar Events:
- Peer Socialization Groups going strong
- Mindfulness event was lightly attended but very much enjoyed by the participants
- Marvel / Star Wars Trivia Night was a hit
- Planning a party to celebrate our 5th Graders, with DJ, food trucks, photographer, games
- Discussion re: selling ads in the Yearbook to raise money to support 5th grade expenses
SATp Update:
- Dee Thompson and Stacie Hawes will co-Chair next year
- AAPI Month: being intentional about thoughtful AAPI messaging, with a historical component and lessons for teachers; planning an evening event for families; Lantern Festival next Friday evening
- 5th Grade food drive planned for June 5, 10am-2pm, which the 5th graders will run
- Need someone to take over Hillside Cares next year
- Social Justice Book Clubs – Grades 3 and 4 finished today; Grade 5 next week.
BOE Update
- Hybrid adjustments were discussed
- Audit of Special Education in the district was presented; available on district website
- Discussion of the Whistleblower Letter re: Buildings & Grounds Department
- Discussion of MHS Jewish Heritage Month gaffe in honoring Meir Kahane – need to be thoughtful and intentional and collaborative in our inclusion work
- Discussion of needlepoint ionization – still installed, but not turned on
- District Equity Team to launch soon
- School Year 2021-2022 Calendar Approved
- Re-organization Meeting will be on May 17.
- Samanthaa Anglin
- Brian Fleischer
- Colleen Dougherty
- Betty Shvetz
- Yvette Frasier
- Shaviece Osborne
- Sheila Boyd
- Christian Robinson
- Erica Mitchell
- Jennifer DiLullo
- Amber Reed
- Linda Kow
- Diane Tehranian
- Allison Silverstein
- Dee Thompson