A Note from the Principal’s Desk – 11.24.2021
Dear Hillside Staff and Parents/Caregivers
We are thankful for many things as we reflect on our school community. Please let us share just a few of them with you:
We are pleased with our students who come to Hillside every day ready to learn. They provide us all a daily reminder of why we are here and what is essential.
We are grateful for the support of the parents in building an excellent community for our students. We are also thankful that our parents have kept the trust and confidence in us. They continue to leave their most valuable ones with us. We have parents who work hard and advocate to be a partner in their children’s education, safety, and well-being. For this, we will always be so thankful. We are also grateful for our volunteers who enthusiastically provide so much to our school.
We are grateful for the teachers, assistants, secretaries, health aides, nurses, lunch clerks, support staff, interns, coordinators, counselors and administrators who care about student success and have the best interests of our students in essence. We see dedicated and hard-working individuals going above and beyond to make sure that great things happen in our school. They do make a difference, and our students benefit from those efforts.
I would like to wish all of you and your families a healthy, relaxing and happy Thanksgiving break!
Happy Hanukkah to those of you who observe. The Jewish Festival of Rededication, also called the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day celebration that falls each year on the Hebrew calendar date of 25 Kislev, which generally falls in December in the Gregorian calendar. (In 2021, Hanukkah is November 28 through December 6.) Hanukkah, also referred to as Chanukah, celebrates the rededication of the second Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Invite the lights of Hanukkah to lead the way in your life.
School-wide News…Be in the Know
SATp Presents Hillside Holiday Meal Helpers!
Put on your Giving Gloves because It’s holiday time at Hillside! Gathering with family and having amazing meals is a tradition many look forward to each year. In addition to Hillside Cares’ annual prepared meal deliveries, SATp is starting a new holiday tradition where you too can contribute to making sure families in need have plenty of fixings on the table. Donate to a wonderful cause and help us provide grocery gift cards to families in need. We thank you for your support! Happy Holidays!
For more information, contact: hillsidesatp@gmail.com
Hillside Cares Make-A-Wish is here!
Please help make the holidays a little brighter for children in need within our own school community by participating in the Hillside Cares Make-a-Wish Come True Program. This is an annual tradition at our school and we need your support to make some wishes come true!!!
1. Follow this link to the Sign Up Genius website to see the items that are needed: https://tinyurl.com/HillsideMAW2021
2. Sign up for the items you would like to purchase and donate.
3. Please return the wrapped gift(s) by placing them in the bins located near Door K. Please make sure that the gift has a tag indicating which item it is. FOR EXAMPLE: #14 – Coat (6 year old boy, size 6)
• Monetary donations: Please donate here: https://hillsidepta.memberhub.com/store/items/154649 Or, drop a check off to Ms. Best or Ms. Mazur (Door K) at Hillside. Please make checks payable to “Hillside PTA” with “Make-A-Wish” in the memo and place in an envelope marked “Make-A Wish”. Volunteers will use this money to purchase items that were not taken on the Sign-up Genius site.
• Partner Up with a friend to make a family’s wish come true.
• Amazon Smile: Shop smile.amazon.com and add ‘23182 Hillside PTA’ as your preferred charity. A small portion of each purchase is donated to our school
• Pick Up: If you are unable to drop off, we will gladly pick them up. Please contact us at hillsidesatp@gmail.com.
Have questions or want to volunteer to help sort and organize gifts? Please contact: the Hillside Cares Team at hillsidesatp@gmail.com.
Hillside Social Justice
Hillside Social Justice would like you to celebrate Hanukkah with you via Zoom! SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, December 1st at 7pm. Hillside families and staff are invited to join us online to celebrate and learn more about this holiday, also known as The Festival of Lights. More details coming soon!!
Kind regards,
Samanthaa Lennon Anglin, Ed.D.
Hillside Elementary School ~ Gifted and Talented Magnet
54 Orange Rd., Montclair, NJ
Phone: (973) 509-4200
Fax: (973) 509-1448
Follow us on Twitter: @Hillside_MPS