Hillside PTA Meeting
December 16, 2021
7:00 p.m.
(Zoom Meeting)
Welcome and Preliminary Business
Co-President Betty Schrem Shvetz welcomed everyone to the meeting. Yvette moved to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2021 meeting. Dana Rizzo seconded. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Betty reviewed Nominating Committee requirements in Bylaws.
PTA Treasurer’s Report – Dana Rizzo
- Book Fair was big success, netting almost double last year’s (almost $4000), close to 2019-20 levels.
- Fall Explorers netted about $2,000. Hoping to do Spring program as well, so may meet target of $5,000.
- Currently at 155 PTA members, up from 146.
- 11 teachers have submitted for stipend reimbursements for classroom materials.
- We have been supporting Make A Wish and will be distributing holiday gifts to staff.
There was no Principal’s Report or Q&A.
PTA Calendar Review/Event Planning – Betty Schrem Shvetz
- Holiday Gift Giving
- Due date for sending 20% of class contributions to PTA is 12/17.
- Teacher Luncheon 12/22 – PTA will be funding the food.
- Other fundraising events:
- Commemorative T-Shirts – special edition. Flyer will be going out on how children can enter designs.
- Committee members needed:
- Hospitality – May Teacher Appreciation week
- Explorers – in great need of volunteers from 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade families because current team is 5th grade parents.
- Fireball – hopeful. Looking for venues and building team. Major fundraiser.
- STEM + Families Grant – application has been submitted and would help expand science fair.
- Hillside Hoodies have been ordered.
- PTA Bingo over the Winter Break . Flyer will be going home with children.
SATp Updates – Dee Thompson
- Make A Wish giving project ends 12/17. Monetary donations also accepted.
- HIllside Holiday meal helpers: accepting donations through 12/19 for purchase of gift cards to go with prepared December holiday meals.
- Kwanzaa celebration on 12/17 at 7pm with Nishuane seeing strong RSVPs.
- Ice skating date on March 11, 2022 at Clary Anderson – fundraiser for Hillside families only. Ticket link will go up after the holiday break. Funds raised will support Hispanic Heritage Month, Black History Month, First Day of School, AAPI Heritage Month, and other celebrations.
- Social Justice sign-up sheet will go out for 2022 initiatives. Need parent administrator to succeed Jenn DiLullo next year. Email hillsidesatp@gmail.com.
BOE/PTAC Updates
- Brian Fleischer offered an overview of the current status of the BOE vacancy created by the tragic passing of Dr. Alfred Davis, as well as the upcoming elections.
- Earliest we could get referendum to raise money for facilities would be November.
- School nurses say they are completely overwhelmed with COVID administration and protocols, and facing abuse and harassment from parents. PTAC has pressed administration on Supervisor of Nursing position and it sounds like they are ready to extend offer to someone to fill this position. HR is working on alleviating paperwork burdens on nurses.
- Dr. Ponds supports outdoor lunch and is buying heavier duty tents for this purpose. Some concerns about whether these tents are enclosed.
- Dr. Ponds says there will be mechanical ventilation in every school after winter break so that it is safe to close windows.
- There seems to be inconsistency from one school to another about whether caregivers are allowed inside buildings. Dr. Ponds says he will clarify, but his feeling is the policy will align with same policy for teachers – parents can be in buildings but have to show proof of vaccination or negative COVID test every week. He will meet with principals to develop consistent guidelines.
Elections for Nominating Committee
- Nominations:
- Christina Joseph Robinson self-nominated.
- Sarah Cantor self-nominated.
- Stacie Hawes self-nominated.
- Christina Robinson nominated Varsha Hathiramani.
- There were no other nominations and a voice vote was held. Christina Joseph Robinson, Sarah Cantor, Stacie Hawes, and Varsha Hathiramani were unanimously elected to serve on the nominating committee.
Meeting adjourned at 7:47pm.
Betty Shvetz
Amber Reed
Shaviece Osborne
LaNa Jones-Jules
Yvette Frazier
Stacie Hawes
Peter Karacas
Colleen Dougherty
Varsha Hathiramani
Heather Miller
Dana Rizzo
Betty Shvetz
Jacqueline Ahern
Ian Hall
Christina Joseph Robinson
Dee Thompson
Karen Andes
Brian Fleischer
Katherine Mallimo
Katie Byrne
Myrna Poole
Ling Chen
Zoe La Salandra