A Note from the Principal’s Desk – 2.11.2022
Dear Hillside Parents/Caregivers:
Is this weather for real, please enjoy some much needed time outside this weekend!
An event that you do not want to miss will be held tomorrow outside at the Montclair Art Museum – Lunar New Year Flier – Lunar New Year Program Schedule.
**Morning Drop-off Reminders**
- Now that the snow has melted, please have your child(ren) get out of the car as you sit in the car line. There is no need to pull up to a specific spot before your child deploys
- Please do not get out of the car, pull-up and have your child get right out of the car so that we can keep traffic moving
- We continue to encourage you to drop your child off on the eastbound side of the street, do not have your child run across the street to the school
- Please DO NOT pull into our staff parking lot
School-wide News…Be in the Know
News from SATp
SATp Presents Hillside Skate Date Fundraiser: March 11, 2022 from 6:30pm-8:30pm
Let’s go ICE SKATING! Join us for our first ever Ice Skating event at Clary Anderson Ice Arena. The proceeds from this event will support future SATp activities and events such as Juneteenth, the Caribbean Heritage event, AAPI celebratory events, the First Day of School Celebration, and Bike Walk to School Day. We’ll enjoy music, staking, and an evening of laughter. Masks required!
Clary Anderson Arena is located at 41 Chestnut Street, Montclair, NJ.
Purchase your tickets HERE. Don’t forget to fill out your waiver! With the generous effort of our PTA Spirit Wear team, Hooded Sweatshirts and other Hillside merchandise will be available for purchase at this event!
Want to volunteer at Skate Date? Sure! Click HERE to sign up! For more information, contact hillsidesatp@gmail.com.
Hillside CARES
For Valentine’s Day, Hillside CARES will host a food drive to benefit Toni’s Kitchen and local organizations. Please send items in with your child between Feb. 14-18. Boxes will be stationed outside of each classroom. This initiative is part of our efforts to address food insecurity in our community.
To ensure that we receive a variety of items, each grade will be collecting certain things:
For more information, contact Mrs. Samira Harris (sharris@montclair.k12.nj.us) or Christina Joseph Robinson (classliaison@hillsidepta.org)
News from the PTA
Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser
Hillside’s Double Good Pop Up Store School link will be posted next week. The store officially opens Monday, Feb 21st at 12noon and closes on Feb 25th at 12noon. What’s your favorite Double Good Popcorn?
Virtual BINGO Night
Hillside & Nishuane will host a FREE BINGO night February 25 at 7pm. Sign up HERE for a night of family fun!
PTAC Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee of the Montclair Council of PTAs (PTAC), invites all parents, caregivers and community members to submit nominations to serve as officers on the PTAC Executive Committee for the 2022-2024 term. You may self-nominate or nominate others by filling out this form by March 1, 2022.
If you, or a person who you wish to nominate, are not a member of a Montclair PTA, you (or they) may join any of the Montclair Public School PTAs here. PTA membership is required to participate on the board.
Please see brief descriptions of the open positions in the nomination form or the PTAC By-laws with more detailed descriptions of the open positions (see pgs 6-7).
If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the PTAC Nominating Committee members:
· Brian Giardina Bgiardina1@gmail.com
· Melissa Thorpe mthorpe31@gmail.com
· Deborah Villarreal deborah.villarreal@gmail.com
· Amira Williams amirabw@gmail.com
Thank you for taking the time to think about these parent leader roles that support our PTAs as they support all children, families, and teachers.
Hillside SEPAC Parent Liaison Group
Here is the list of the upcoming SEPAC meeting this month and next. All SEPAC members, as well as members of the community, are invited to attend:
Coming up Feb. 28, 2022 – 7:00 pm – Montclair SEPAC Meet the Candidates – SEPAC has invited the School Board Candidates to the February 28th General Meeting to share their thoughts and ideas in regards to special education. More details to follow.
If you have special education issues, concerns or disability focused topics you would like the Hillside SEPAC group to explore, please email us at sepac@hillsidepta.org. You can also follow SEPAC at (3) Montclair SEPAC | Facebook or check out SEPAC’s website HERE.
Message from Ms. Scott (School Counselor)
I am here to support our Hillside families in any way I can. In addition to email sscott@montclair.k12.nj.us, I can be reached at 973.509.4200 x4297. Additionally, please ask your child to join Ms. Scott’s Google Classroom (class code jzelps7) where they will be able to access the I Need to See Ms. Scott Google form. Lastly, here is the In Need of Counseling Survey parents can use to let me know if your child could use my help. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns about your child’s social-emotional wellbeing.
Note from Nurse Boyle
Hello Hillside Families! Please note that the CDC changed it’s Covid isolation/quarantine guidelines for the general public. Our guidelines for schools have not changed. Positive cases must isolate for 10 full days. If your child develops Covid like symptoms please get them tested. Please do not send your child to school while waiting for test results. The health department does not accept home tests as a definitive Covid diagnosis. Please obtain a test from your child’s doctor or testing center. Please send me a copy of the test. If your child is not fully vaccinated and is exposed to a Covid positive person please contact me so I can review the quarantine procedure with you. Have a great weekend! Nurse Boyle
Important Dates:
Monday 2/14: Valentine’s Day
Friday 2/18: African American Read In
Kind regards,
Samanthaa Lennon Anglin, Ed.D.
Hillside Elementary School ~ Gifted and Talented Magnet
54 Orange Rd., Montclair, NJ
Phone: (973) 509-4200
Fax: (973) 509-1448
Follow us on Twitter: @Hillside_MPS