A Note from the Principal’s Desk – 4.1.2022
Dear Hillside Parents/Caregivers:
There is so much to learn and recognize during the month of April!
The month of April is Autism Acceptance Month and includes observances to highlight the increasing number of individuals identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the families and support services involved. It is also an opportunity to “celebrate the unique perspectives of those living with ASD.” World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day on April 2 every year, encouraging Member States of the United Nations to take measures to raise awareness about people with Autism Spectrum Disorder throughout the world. We celebrate and support all members of our school community.
Join our Autism Acceptance Spirit Week April 4th – 8th – Spirit Week Flier
Magnificent Mind Monday: Autism is a neurological variation, which means the brains of the autistic people work differently than the brains of the allistic (non-autistic) people-and that’s amazing! Celebrate how amazing it is that all our minds work in different wonderful ways by wearing a fun hat!
Neurodiversity Tuesday: To celebrate the beauty in the diverse spectrum of the human mind, wear rainbow and/or tie-dyed clothes to school!
What’s Your Passion Wednesday: One characteristic of autism is to show incredibly focused passion for topics of interest. What are you passionate about? Dress to show something you love!
Thursday, Autism Acceptance Day: Love and acceptance go a long way. Wear red or gold to show your support and acceptance of autistic individuals!
Sensory Friendly Friday: Autistic people often have a variety of sensory sensitivities. Dress up today in your most comfy clothes (including school-appropriate pjs), use as much natural light in your classroom instead of fluorescents as possible and/or wear sunglasses
April is Arab American Heritage Month, which honors Arab American culture and pays tribute to the contributions of Arab Americans. Ramadan Mubarak is an Arabic phrase that translates to “blessed Ramadan.” It is a greeting used during Ramadan, the holy month of fasting and prayer for Muslims that lasts for 30 days. In the U.S., Ramadan starts at sundown on Saturday, April 2, and ends with Eid al-Fitr on Monday, May 2. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim year, during which strict fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset. It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship. Muslims believe that Ramadan teaches them to practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate, thus encouraging actions of generosity and compulsory charity. I have included a Happy Ramadan! document, which identifies some daily rituals and ways in which schools can be supportive.
School-wide News…Be in the Know
Please partner with us in curbing the presence of social media activity that is negatively impacting our academic school day. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Monitor your child’s social media activity
- Speak to your child about the cyberbullying implications that can result from negative dialogue posted on social media
- Require your child to turn their phone into you during overnight hours
- Speak to your child about their need to focus on academics rather romantic relationships (they are just too young developmentally)
- Follow the social media accounts your children create
- Tell your child they are not allowed to have secret (anonymous) accounts
Cycle 3 Add/Drop Period
The submissions for Add/Drop closed this morning at 9 AM. Not all Add/Drop requests have been processed at this time. Some changes will need to be made early next week.
Date Changes
- International Night will be held on Thursday, 5/19.
- Spring Concert
- Field Day will be held on Friday, 6/3 with a rain date of Friday, 6/10.
News from the PTA
PTA General Meeting 4/7 @ 7:00pm
All are invited to join our April PTA meeting. We have awesome updates to share. This meeting will be followed by the SATp meeting. Register HERE in advance to attend! After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Early Bird Fireball Tickets
This is NOT a Joke! It is REALLY happening!! Fireball EARLY BIRD tickets go on sale TODAY! Grab them now for a great time and an even better cause. Early bird tickets are $90/each (same price as 2019). Purchase your tickets HERE. If you prefer to pay via check or cash, please contact ptapres@hillsidepta.org
Hillside Commemorative T-Shirt Pre Sale
We are so happy to announce Pre-order sales for our Hillside Commemorative T-shirts starting immediately!!! Thanks to an amazing team that helped put this all together and the Hillside students that created the artwork for the shirts these shirts are UNIQUE and ONE TIME ONLY Shirts.
Order them now so you don’t miss out!!! Visit our Memberhub Website to PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW!
We have 2 style shirts for Pre-order:
- Short Sleeved White T-shirt – $25
- Raglan/Baseball Shirt with Black Sleeves – $30
ALL SIZES (Youth S-XL and Adult S-3XL) are available since this is a PRE-ORDER. DEADLINE TO ORDER SHIRTS IS FRIDAY April 8th. Any questions please reach out to us at ptapres@hillsidepta.org.
Science Day Home Activities
All students will be sent home with a Science Day take home activity bag, with all the supplies your student will need to complete the activity, as well as written instructions. The activity should be completed at home with family. Our science teacher, Ms. Bartol, has also recorded a demonstration short video that students can access on the Science Day Google Classroom Page. We are asking students to send a short video of themselves and their families completing the take home activity. Please check the Google Classroom Page for all the information!
3rd grade take home activity – Alka Rockets
4th grade take home activity – Lava Lamp
5th grade take home activity – Martian Jelly
Middle School 101 Transition Recording
The MPS 101 Transition to Middle School organized by PTAC’s Community Engagement Committee is now online on their YouTube Channel. Check it out (again) for information from parents and students on Buzz, Glenfield and Renaissance! Click HERE
Spring Explorers – Registration and Scholarship information
**Registration to open on Thursday, 3/31 at 8pm
**Registration to close on Thursday, 4/7 at 8pm
Registration link HERE. Our Course Catalog, with class descriptions and schedules, is now posted on the PTA site HERE
Hillside School Tours
The Hillside PTA will be leading two school tours for Montclair families on Thursday 4/28 at 6pm and 7pm. We are looking for a few tour guides that speak Spanish to help with the tours. If you can join us for either or both, please email us at ptapres@hillsidepta.org or just DM me. Let’s fully represent our community at the Hillside tours!!
News from the SATP
What’s New, Fun, and Exciting?!
SATp has a new, exciting after school event in the works that will be amazing for the spring. Coming this May, this free event is called Double Dutch and Soccer Stuff. Organized with SignUp Genius, we will have teams of Double Dutch led by parent volunteers. We will also have the Hillside soccer field set up for a couple of teams also led by parent volunteers. No experience necessary! Come, learn, jump and play! Sign-Up Genius will be out soon for you and your child(ren) to sign up. If you’re interested in being a Double Dutch or Soccer Parent Volunteer, let us know! We can’t wait for this event!
Looking Ahead!
Have you seen all of the amazing initiatives and events Hillside has? First Day of School Celebration, Bike Walk to School Day, Hillside Cares Events, and many more! We are proactive and would like to start to recruit some new faces for the upcoming school year. It takes a team of us to make these things happen. Ask us about participating and what you might want to sign up for. We’re always available for questions. Email us at hillsidesatp@gmail.com.
We Need YOU!
In the coming months SATp will be looking for volunteers to participate in events and activities such as our AAPI celebration, Jewish American Heritage celebration, and the new 2021 school year initiatives. If you would like to participate, pitch and idea, or would like to see a particular custom highlighted, let us know by contacting hillsidesatp@gmail.com.
Message from Ms. Scott (School Counselor)
I am here to support our Hillside families in any way I can. In addition to email sscott@montclair.k12.nj.us, I can be reached at 973.509.4200 x4297. Additionally, please ask your child to join Ms. Scott’s Google Classroom (class code jzelps7) where they will be able to access the I Need to See Ms. Scott Google form. Lastly, here is the In Need of Counseling Survey parents can use to let me know if your child could use my help. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns about your child’s social-emotional well being.
Note from Nurse Boyle
Hello Hillside Families! Reminder for fifth grade parents and guardians. Your child needs to have the Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines to enter sixth grade. If your child had these vaccines please send me a copy and I will add them to their medical records.
The district now accepts home COVID tests along with lab tests for diagnosis.. Please email the nurse if your child has a positive Covid test. If you or a family want to get a Covid vaccine you can do so at the old Kmart in West Orange. Click HERE to schedule an appointment. You can go to the old Kmart Tuesdays through Fridays from 2PM-7PM for Covid testing and on Saturdays from 8AM-2PM. Have a great weekend! Nurse Boyle
Important Dates:
Wednesday 4/6: Board of Education Meeting 7:30PM
Thursday 4/7: PTA/SATp Meeting 6:30PM
Kind regards,
Samanthaa Lennon Anglin, Ed.D.
Hillside Elementary School ~ Gifted and Talented Magnet
54 Orange Rd., Montclair, NJ
Phone: (973) 509-4200
Fax: (973) 509-1448
Follow us on Twitter: @Hillside_MPS