A Note from the Principal’s Desk – 5.26.2022
Dear Hillside Parents/Caregivers:
This has been an emotional week for us all in the shadow of school violence in Uvalde, Texas. Know that Hillside will continue to be available to support students when we return to school next week.
We are so proud of all of our students who participated in the spring concert. A huge shout out to Mr. Park, Mr. Golinski and Mr. Poff for the phenomenal work they do with our students to put on such an impressive performance!
Another huge shout-out to our amazing Hillside School community that has been advocating via petitions and public speaking at last night’s Board of Education meeting, fighting for our magnet and staff. This is the true essence of equity: providing related arts opportunities and extra curricular opportunities for all.
June will be another busy month! June is the start of Pride Month, Caribbean American Heritage Month and Black Music Month. Please see the upcoming activities below.
School-wide News…Be in the Know
Field Day Spirit Week:
5/31: Twin Triplet/Quadruplet Day
6/1: Pride Day
6/2: Crazy Socks and Shorts Day
6/3: Team Day Blue and Yellow- Support Ukraine!!!
Wear it Wednesdays – Please join us with PRIDE Day, 6.1.22.
Junior Science Olympiad
Hillside’s Junior Science Olympiad team had the opportunity to visit with Glenfield’s Science Olympiad team on May 24. Ms. Malloy from Glenfield, talked about the Science Olympiad competition and Glenfield’s history of participation. Her students then partnered with ours to work on an actual competition event (there was no elementary event held this year). The key take away from our meeting was that, you don’t have to know all the answers, but you do have to do the research, communicate, plan, take risks, try again and again, and be supportive of each other.
This was Hillside’s inaugural year for having a Junior Science Olympiad Course. Approximately 20 students participated in this course. Students apply for the course which takes place over 2 cycles. Students engage in both science knowledge acquisition, hands-on engineering and teaching their peers.
Our trip to Glenfield was a special way to allow our older students to mentor our younger students in the fields of Science and Engineering.
Hillside Student Feedback:
“I enjoyed working with the middle school students. They were nice, helpful and smart.” -Benji Rockmaker
“The middle school teacher was very encouraging. She had lots of great stories and lots of cool materials to work with.” – Tempest Barron
SATp News
For the month of June, we have 2 events coming up:
June 3, Friday – Caribbean American Heritage Children’s Celebration
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: Nishuane Elementary School
*This event is open to the Montclair Community, and is being planned and sponsored by the Nishuane SATp, Hillside Social Justice, Montclair NAACP, and Montclair Public Library.
****** PLANNING MEETING – Tuesday May 24 @6pm ***********************
Topic: Caribbean American Heritage Celebration – Planning Meeting
Time: May 24, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 781 6872 6318
Passcode: 3Reff4
June 16, Thursday – 2nd annual Children’s Juneteenth Celebration
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: Nishuane Elementary School
*Organizer: Tinu Joseph, Nishuane SATp, Hillside Social Justice
We look forward to providing additional details as we approach these dates!
Message from Ms. Scott (School Counselor)
I am heartbroken that we keep having to have conversations about school shootings with our children. There are several news outlets online offering resources and advice about how to help children process this tragedy. I have listed a few links below that have resonated with me since Tuesday.
Psychologist on how to talk to talk to kids about the Texas school shooting
How should parents talk to their children about yet another school shooting?
How to talk to your children about shootings after Texas’ deadly elementary school attack
Regarding conversations with the children, my personal advice is to begin by asking what they know so far. Although conversations may be limited in your own home, their peers may share more details at school. Allow them to express themselves, validate their feelings, and then offer information in small doses. Don’t overwhelm them with information. Younger children should receive simple details and adjust accordingly as they go up in age. Allow them to ask questions as they are ready to receive more information.
Reassuring the children they are safe can be very difficult in the first days and weeks following a tragic event. Give them facts about all that is put in place to help keep them safe (i.e. drills, security officer in the building, limited access to getting in the building, any actions you and other adults in the family will take to help address mental health and gun control concerns, etc.).
Lastly, teach them to speak up if they see or hear something wrong, alarming, unjust, etc. So many of our children are concerned about “tattling” or “snitching”. They need to know that we need them as extra eyes and ears to help get ahead of situations that can be harmful to others.
As always, I am here to support our Hillside families in any way I can. In addition to email sscott@montclair.k12.nj.us, I can be reached at 973.509.4200 x4297. Additionally, please ask your child to join Ms. Scott’s Google Classroom (class code jzelps7) where they will be able to access the I Need to See Ms. Scott Google form. Lastly, here is the In Need of Counseling Survey parents can use to let me know if your child could use my help. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns about your child’s social-emotional well being.
Note from Nurse Boyle
Hello Hillside Families! Reminder for fifth grade parents and guardians. Your child needs to have the Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines to enter sixth grade. If your child had these vaccines please send me a copy and I will add them to their medical records.
The district now accepts home COVID tests along with lab tests for diagnosis.. Please email the nurse if your child has a positive Covid test or send a copy of the lab test. Please indicate the date the symptoms started and what they were. If you or a family want to get a Covid vaccine you can do so at the old Sears in the Livingston Mall located at 112 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston. Click HERE to schedule an appointment. You can go to the old Sears Thursdays and Fridays from 2PM-7PM for Covid testing and on Saturdays from 8AM-2PM. Note the Kmart site has closed. Have a great, safe, long weekend! ~Nurse Boyle
Important Dates:
Friday 5/26-Monday 5/30: District Closed for Memorial Day Weekend!!
Wednesday 6/1: 1st day of LGBTQ+Pride Month
Friday 6/3: Field Day (be sure to wear your team colors)
Saturday 6/4: FireBall
Kind regards,
Samanthaa Lennon Anglin, Ed.D.
Hillside Elementary School ~ Gifted and Talented Magnet
54 Orange Rd., Montclair, NJ
Phone: (973) 509-4200
Fax: (973) 509-1448
Follow us on Twitter: @Hillside_MPS