Hillside PTA/SATp Meeting Agenda
October 20, 2022
6:30 p.m.
(Google Meet: meet.google.com/cgq-sxjt-akw)
- Welcome
- Accomplishments (5 minutes)
- 10/12- Bike/Walk to School Day
- Explorers ASE program of to a successful start
- Boogie Bash Planning (update below)
- PTA Membership Drive– 113 members (as of 10/20)
- Join the PTA during the month of October and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win Hillside Spirit Wear.
- Approval of minutes from September 22, 2022 meeting (1 minute)
- Principal’s Report (10 minutes)
- Boogie Bash Update
- PTA Treasurer’s Report (10 minutes)
- PTA Calendar Review/Event Planning (10 minutes)
- 10/22 Hillside Carwash Rescheduled to Spring 2023
- 10/28 Boogie Bash
- 10/31 Cast of Characters Parade
- 11/3 Hillside Curriculum Night
- 11/7 Student Council Election Day
- 11/8 PTA Bake Sale
** November Book Fair rescheduled to December 12-16th**
- SATp Updates (10 minutes)
- 10/7- Hispanic Heritage Celebration update
- 10/17 Hillside Cares Coat Drive Launch (donations go to Montclair Police Community Service Unit)
- 11/1- Thanksgiving Meals
- 11/7- 11 Book Purge (donations go to Montclair Mutual Aid)
- Native American Heritage Month
- 11/9 (TBC)- Celebration Red Hawk Nation
- 11/17 (TBC)- Lenape Trail Hike
- 11/28- Make-a-Wish/ Holiday Meals Helper Launch
- BOE/PTAC Updates (5 minutes)
- Q&A
- Adjourn. Next PTA meeting 11/18 @ 9:30am
Hillside PTA & SATp Information
Hillside PTA Executive Board
Co-Presidents: Lani Sommer-Padilla & Justin Taylor
VP Events: Caitlyn Yekal
VP Communications: Christina Joseph Robinson
Recording Secretary: Tsihai Hanson
Co-Treasurers: Michael Barrett
PTA website: hillsidepta.org
PTA Membership: https://hillsidepta.memberhub.com/store
Hillside Spirit Wear and Gear: https://spirit-wear-hillside.cheddarup.com/
PTA Facebook group: https://m.facebook.com/groups/2527911263932164/
PTA Email: ptapres@hillsidepta.org
School Action Team for Partnerships (SATp)
SATp Parent Chair: Stacie Hawes
SATp Teacher Chair: Nicole Morrisroe
SATp email: hillsidesatp@gmail.com