PTA Newsletter Week of January 13


January 15: MHS Fencing Booster Club Chipotle Fundraiser, 5:00-9:00pm, West Orange location

January 16: MHS Winter Concert Series, 6:00-7:30pm, MHS Main Auditorium

January 20: School Closed, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 25: RevPrep Free Online SAT Practice Exam via Montclair Public Library, 9:00am-12:00pm, Registration Required

January 29: School Closed, Lunar New Year

January 29: Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA) Financial Aid Information Session, 6:00pm-7:30pm @ Montclair Public Library Auditorium, Registration Recommended

February 20: MHS PTA Meeting and MHS Restorative Justice, 6:30-8:30pm in the MHS Library, (PTA Meeting 6:30-7:00pm, Restorative Justice Presentation 7-7:30pm, Community Circle 7:30-8:30pm)

MFEE Awards $60,000 in Grants / MHS Highlights

The Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence has awarded more than 70 grants, totaling approximately $60,000, to educators across the Montclair Public Schools for the 2024 – 2025 school year.

MHS Funded Projects

MHS PTA co-president John Sullivan is collaborating with carpentry teacher Robert Haas to create a Mountie Mobility Hub with 20 bike racks under a beautifully-designed wooden pergola, equipped with solar panels for e-bike charging, a local water filling station, and comfortable seating for student socializing. This space will serve as a convenient spot to store bikes, e-bikes and scooters, and it will also foster environmental awareness around sustainable transportation options, and be a source of pride and a gathering spot on campus. The image below is an AI-generated rendering of planned MHS sustainable mobility hub created by John Sullivan.

MHS English teacher Nicholas Stambuli received a grant that ties to “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” a novel in epistolary form. Through a guided process, students write letters to their future self. The letters are kept secret, graded on completion, sealed, self–addressed, stamped and mailed to the students two years later.

MHS school librarian Harriet Parker plans to create an inclusive tea time for students, introducing them to teas, customs, and practices from around the world. Her goal is to broaden cultural perspectives, create a peaceful environment for students to decompress from academic pressure, and encourage peer interaction and belonging.


  • Please help and support the Class of 2028 by purchasing some clothes from the Freshman Class Store that is now open and will close Friday, January 31st.

  • MHS Boys Lacrosse Booster Club is hosting a team apparel store that will be open through Sunday, January 19th. A portion of all sales go towards supporting the Lacrosse Booster Club and benefiting our players throughout the spring season. Thank you for any and all support.
  • MHS Band/Chamber Ensemble & Concert Band are fundraising to raise $40,000 to replace broken instruments that are over 40-60 year old. Please make your donation via Venmo (@mhsinstrumental).
  • Montclair has a talented, energetic group of 35 young musicians who are taking the Mighty Mounties Marching Band back to the field! These students are working hard at practice and performances multiple days per week, but they need new uniforms, instruments, instrument repair, field equipment, and music. Help the Mighty Mounties Marching Band build community and make music. Donate today!



HESAA Financial Aid Information Session, 6:00-7:30pm in the Main Library auditorium, Registration Recommended


Online SAT Prep Workshop, RevPrep Free Online SAT Practice Exam via Montclair Public Library, 9:00am-12:00pm, Registration Required


Navigating College Admissions with Stand Out for College, 7:00-8:00pm on Zoom, Registration Required