PTA Newsletter Week of January 20


January 22: Mountie Pride – Game of the Week, MHS Hockey vs. Verona, 7:40pm at Clary Anderson Arena

January 25: RevPrep Free Online SAT Practice Exam via Montclair Public Library, 9:00am-12:00pm, Registration Required

January 29: School Closed, Lunar New Year

January 29: Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA) Financial Aid Information Session, 6:00pm-7:30pm @ Montclair Public Library Auditorium, Registration Recommended

February 3: MHS Freshman / Sophomore Party Planning Kick Off Meeting, 7:30pm, Committee Signup, Location TBD

February 20: MHS PTA Meeting and MHS Restorative Justice, 6:30-8:30pm in the MHS Library, (PTA Meeting 6:30-7:00pm, Restorative Justice Presentation 7-7:30pm, Community Circle 7:30-8:30pm)


MHS PTA needs parents/caregivers help to plan an unforgettable Freshman/Sophomore Party! We are looking for eight parents/caregivers volunteers to assist with the planning process, which includes designing the menu, creating a theme, and collaborating with the student event planning committee. We will meet approximately five times before the event (Date TBA). Please sign up for a committee and join us for the planning kickoff meeting on February 3, 2025 at 7:30 PM.

If you cannot join the planning committee but would still like to volunteer at the party, that’s great! We will have a sign-up for volunteers in March. Thank you in advance for volunteering!


  • MHS Bowling Team wants to help you with dinner on Thursday, January 30! The team is holding a Tinga fundraiser – order your lunch and/or dinner between 11:00am-8:00pm on the 30th and 25% of the net sales will be donated!

    Online or Call-in Orders: Please make sure to write in “bowling fundraiser” in the comments section.
    In-Person/Pick Up Orders: Please bring the flyer (see above) with you to Tinga!

  • Support the MHS Boys Soccer Team! Please consider supporting the team in order to ensure a strong future for this wonderful program. Also, if you own or know of any local businesses who would want to support the team in exchange for marketing presence at our annual banquet (>250 invited) and on our social media (>750 local followers), kindly reach out to the official booster club account Thank you!!
  • Please help and support the Class of 2028 by purchasing some clothes from the Freshman Class Store that is now open and will close Friday, January 31st.
  • MHS Band/Chamber Ensemble & Concert Band are fundraising to raise $40,000 to replace broken instruments that are over 40-60 year old. Please make your donation via Venmo (@mhsinstrumental).
  • Montclair has a talented, energetic group of 35 young musicians who are taking the Mighty Mounties Marching Band back to the field! These students are working hard at practice and performances multiple days per week, but they need new uniforms, instruments, instrument repair, field equipment, and music. Help the Mighty Mounties Marching Band build community and make music. Donate today!



HESAA Financial Aid Information Session, 6:00-7:30pm in the Main Library auditorium, Registration Recommended


Online SAT Prep Workshop, RevPrep Free Online SAT Practice Exam via Montclair Public Library, 9:00am-12:00pm, Registration Required


Navigating College Admissions with Stand Out for College, 7:00-8:00pm on Zoom, Registration Required