Here are some important updates about Remote Learning:
- Schools will run on their normal schedules. Nishuane’s day will be 9:10 am-3:35 pm
- Grade level schedules will depend on the mandated minutes outlined in the Remote Learning Plan- for K-2 that is 4 hours per day.
- Schedules specific to your child and their grade level will be coming from your classroom teacher at the start of the year
- Schedules for students with IEPs will mirror the classroom schedules and related services will be planned by our Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapist team
- Student learning materials will be organized and available for pick up by families on Wednesday, September 9th. Specific schedule times to follow.
- School Supply Wish Lists are posted on our school website in the parent information section. The direct link. Thank you to our PTA for organizing the First Day Boxes for those who chose to order this way.