A PTA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 7 pm.
First Day of School – Thursday, September 5, 2024
Welcome back Renaissance Middle School students!
We look forward to seeing you all for the first day of school on Thursday, September 5, 2024.
PTA Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 7 pm
A PTA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10 at 7 pm.
Renaissance PTA Meeting Link: https://mpsdnj.zoom.us/j/82493871274
Meeting ID: 824 9387 1274
Passcode: 362625
PTA Meeting Oct 13, 2020
All are invited to the first (virtual) PTA meeting of the school year on Tuesday, October 13 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will feature two guest speakers: Mr. Jennings, who will discuss what Renaissance is doing this school year to keep students engaged, and the services the school is providing for special education learners; and Mr. Garzon, who will discuss the ELA curriculum and the needs for additional classroom books this year. The agenda will also cover PTA budget items as well as information about the possibility of after school activities that can possibly be held outside on Renaissance grounds.
Here is the zoom information:
Topic: PTA Meeting
Time: Oct 13, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 7863 0397
Passcode: 171236
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 850 7863 0397
Passcode: 171236
PTA Mini-Grants for Teachers
The PTA makes mini-grants to teachers to help improve the classroom and curriculum. Click here to apply.
Join the PTA
Please consider joining the PTA by clicking here and making a donation: $15 for an individual and $25 for a family.
One of the major functions of the PTA is to fundraise to support our kids! Fundraising allows the PTA to organize educational events and student assemblies; plan social events for students and provide ways for families to connect with the school. Projects from recent years have included the installation of the water bottle filling stations, offering scholarships for field trips, supporting 8th grade graduation activities and much more. We have a variety of programs and events dedicated to earning money for our school – while providing value to our families.
Recording of the Principal Information Session August 31, 2020
If you missed the August 31 Principal Information Session the full meeting video is now posted to the Renaissance Middle School website for your viewing.
Principal Information Session Aug 31
Dr. Putrino is holding a Renaissance Middle School Principal Information Session on Monday, August, 31st at 6:30pm. This forum is designed to answer questions about the plans to re-open schools in a “remote” environment. We will also discuss staff, parent and student responsibilities.
Participants will be muted and can use the chat feed to ask questions. Our moderator will monitor questions and present them throughout the meeting.
We will be recording the meeting to be posted for those who cannot attend.
Please use the link below to access the meeting. The link will also appear on our web page.
To join the online session:
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83412931002?pwd=RGxhVWpuSmVyZlp6c2RWOTVGK0hIZz09
Meeting ID: 834 1293 1002
Passcode: 4W508F
Montclair Public Schools to go Fully Remote in September
At a Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, August 13, Superintendent Jonathan Ponds announced that Montclair Public Schools would be implementing fully remote teaching and learning in September. Dr. Ponds, along with his Senior Staff team, presented a plan that was decided upon with safety and health for students and staff in the forefront.