YMCA After-Care: 973-655-9756
Transportation Office: 973-509-4062
Genesis: Go to http://parent.montclair.k12.nj.us for schedules, grades and teacher contacts.
Having problems logging in? Email parentaccess@montclair.k12.nj.us with your student’s
name, your name, the issue you are having, and your phone number.
Montclair School District Website: www.montclair.k12.nj.us
Montclair PTA Council: https://montclairpta.org/
Montclair Public Library: http://www.montclairlibrary.org/
Montclair Township: https://www.montclairnjusa.org/
MFEE (Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence): https://mfee.org/
Montclair SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council): https://www.facebook.com/montclairsepac/