SEPAC has invited the Board of Education Candidates to our general meeting on February 28th at 7:07 pm. The candidates will each have time to share their thoughts on special education, as well as answer questions that have been submitted from our members. All members of the Montclair community are invited to attend.
The selection of two members of our Board Education will have a significant impact on the Montclair Schools. We hope the information provided at the Forum will enable our members, as well as our community, to cast an informed and empowered vote on March 8th. Please reach out with any questions or suggestions.
The Zoom link is as follows:
Topic: SEPAC Meet the BOE Candidates Forum
Time: Feb 28, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 8561 6830
Passcode: 748914
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