Homeroom Staff Year End Collection – We collected $6200 for our hard-working non-homeroom certified teachers and non-homeroom support staff! Thank you all so very much for contributing and enabling the PTA to gift this phenomenal group of wonderful people who work so hard for our children and families.
Buy a Brick – We have 20 brick orders which is the most we have had in recent memory! Thank you all so much for honoring your child, children or cherished teacher. The PTA purchased a brick to honor Mr. Boote so please be on the lookout for that brick in September! If you have any questions about your order please contact Usha Naidu at unaidu@cisco.com.
NJPTA Membership Incentive Awards – I would like to share one last piece of happy news that just arrived yesterday – the best PTA around was honored with not one but two awards from the New Jersey PTA for growing our membership last year! This was a wonderful surprise! Who knew we would have the craziest two plus years ever. We were successful in many ways because we all worked together to make things happen. These awards would not have happened without all of you. So proud of everyone!
We wish Kerri, Jackie, Kim and Henry the best of everything and we know that all of you will support them as you supported us. Keep growing the Watchung PTA!
Kindly, Patty, Alex, Hillary and Jen xoxo
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