MONTCLAIR Local: Greenwood at Glenfield Event Featured Local Black-Owned Businesses
Glenfield Parents to Hold Event About Tulsa Massacre
MFEE Annual Appeal – Be a Glenfield Supporter! – Past Event
Help win up to $2,000 for Glenfield! The Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence (MFEE) is our town’s local education fund that supports all Montclair students, teachers, staff, and caregivers. Glenfield students receive social/emotional support and innovative teaching tools through MFEE grants, teachers boost their learning through out-of-the-box Professional Development grants and MFEE’s new Teacher Learning Communities, and families get resources and support through MFEE Programs like Learning Circles on Race, PEEPs in Nature, and Navegadores Escolares. Your donations – no matter how small – fuel all of this work!
From now until February 28th, any donor who gives $20 and above will be entered in a lottery to award a $1,000 grant to their favorite school. Two winners will be chosen! CHB and Hillside won $1,000 last year; it’s Glenfield’s turn! Be sure to “credit” Glenfield’s team page when donating. While you’re there, check out all of the ways that your donations boost learning at Glenfield.
December Community Service Drives – Past Event
The Human Needs Food Pantry in Montclair is collecting kits for making a birthday cake (“birthday cake in a box”) to celebrate their 40th year of service. House Lofrano students are collecting boxes of cake mix, tubs of frosting, cake tins with clear lids, a can of sprite (to sub for eggs and oil), and birthday candles. They will assemble and add the final touch of a home-made birthday card with directions on baking the cake. Please send Cake Box Supplies to Mrs. Lofrano if you would like to donate.
STUFFED ANIMAL DRIVE – deadline 12/9 |
In connection with our recent novel study, They Cage the Animals at Night, House Lofrano has decided to host a stuffed animal drive. The author and main character of this autobiographical novel, Jennings Michael Burch, struggled to stay hopeful during his time in foster care, clinging to his only friend at times, Doggie, a brown and white fuzzy stuffed animal. Our goal is to collect as many new or gently used stuffed animals by 12/9 and partner with Teddy Bear Brigade at Gleaning For The World, an organization that aims to comfort children during traumatic or emergency situations. Please send in new or gently used stuffed animals to House Lofrano. Thank you! |
Mrs. Stebbins Community Service Classes Second Chance Toy drive, bins out through Dec 20 takes gently used toys + pairs them with day care/community centers for a 2nd chance to be used + loved! If you are doing fall clean-up before the holiday season – donate your gently used toys! We will be accepting: plastic toys; board games (w/pieces/directions, etc.); books; ride-on outside bikes/push toys, etc. Toys from ALL ages from birth through 10 years of age are needed. Donation bins will be GMS entrance beginning the week of November 14 thru December 20th. |
Glenfield Frequently Asked Questions
PTA/SATp Meeting Minutes – December 2021 – Past Event
- Number of Participants – 29
- Approval of November 2021 PTA Meeting Notes
Welcome and Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Principal’s Report
- Trying to keep up with the rise in COVID-19 cases.
- Please be patient with administration.
- Staffing Update
- No update on the art teacher position. Waiting for some things to be finalized before providing an update.
- Assessment and Adjustment of Instruction, Evaluation and Placement
- Start Strong Data
- Not to use this data for placement or an individual piece of data for a student. Was supposed to be a benchmark.
- Looking at Ren Learning, Acadience, etc.
- If scores were low, do not worry.
- All conversations about data. ELA/SS and Math/Science partnered together and looked at all tests and looked at two standards that need remediation.
- Course pathways for 8th graders will be reviewed by Ms. Goforth in 2022.
- Cold Weather COVID Protocol Updates
- Can separate Houses in half – Half in Catchings Suite and half in cafeteria.
- 40 degrees for eating; 32 degrees for playing outside.
- Tents are set up and one side can be raised for ventilation.
- Masking inside the building – how can we reinforce students to wear it properly in the hallways?
- During last school year, students would be sent home for improper mask wearing.
- Indoor air purifiers?
- Ventilation system is working so Glenfield will not really need that many purifiers.
- Recap of Safety/Security Protocols (e.g., Lockdown/Shelter in Place)
- All NJ public schools must have 2 drills a month – either fire or shelter in place.
- School Safety Team is responsible for executing the drills each month. They review the positives and areas for improvement.
- Coordinating with fire and police departments on drills to come back and review processes.
- Will call a shelter in place if they cannot find a student or need to contain a situation.
- Safety procedures cannot be shared with parents or the public.
- Any jokes or threat of weapons – there will be an overreaction from the administration.
- Start Strong Data
Treasurer’s Report
- Account status summary
- Membership Drive
- Annual Appeal
- Security gates fundraiser – panic bar needed
- Will receive final budget numbers to share with the Glenfield community
- Spirit Wear Store
- Glenfield Garb – 100 orders
- Email if you have questions about your order.
- Glenfield Garb – 100 orders
PTA Events/Activities
- In-person on hold with spike in infection rates
- Will reassess in connection with updated district guidelines next month
- Parent Volunteer Rules
- Ponds was coordinating with principals to have a district policy for parent volunteers.
- Pierce will be strict with not allowing volunteers into the building while the cases are on the rise.
- PTA Nominating Committee – 1 volunteer needed to complete the basic committee. Need 1 alternate.
- Tatiana and Amira volunteered.
- Time commitment is low for the committee.
- PTA provided Glenfield spirit wear to each Glenfield teacher
SATp Update (Events/Initiatives/Updates)
- Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 11 – SEL/Culture and Climate
- 125th Anniversary Committee – Reunion Event is scheduled for June 5th in Glenfield Park
- DEI Committee – Community Kick-Off Event January 16th (tentative)
- Working on mission and goals to share with the community
- Working on a survey for teachers and students.
BOE/PTAC Updates
- Update on BOE Vacancy Process and Special Election
- Al Davis passed away in early December and the seat is open (January 2022 – January 2023)
- Now with Type 2 status, that position is filled by the BOE.
- Anyone who is interested in can submit their resume by January 5 and decision made by January 19.
- March 8 special election – special election for the new 2 seats to make the Board to 9 seat elected rather than 7 seats. (1 year and 8 months term)
- Every year, three board seats will be up for election.
- November 2022 election will have the seats open for Ms. Church, Jannah.
- Board Reports – there were 2 presentations by liaisons by the NJ Board of Education
- The difference between school types
- Missing Days from too many COVID cases to move to the remote option.
- Need at least a 4 hour day to count towards the 180 days required.
- Phase 1 of ventilation improvements is completed.
- Windows should still be cracked.
- Working with MEA and facilities to remediate any too cold or hot classrooms.
- Buildings/Facilities working on the issues at Hillside
- NJSBA Presentations on Type 1 to Type 2 Transition; BOE Member Roles, Responsibilities and Ethics
- Facilities/COVID Updates
- Reflections Program, PTAC Committee work
New Business/Q&A
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 18 at 7:00pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm
PTA/SATp Meeting Minutes – November 2021
- Number of Participants – 23
- Approval of October 2021 PTA Meeting Notes
Welcome and Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Principal’s Report
- Staffing updates
- Title I/After-School Program Updates
- SATp Meeting was held on November 16, 2021.
- Comprehensive School Status – in the bottom of 5% of NJ middle schools based on test scores.
- 2018 – PARCC and common core opt outs.
- 2019 – Look at the scores – what standards are weak; how can we improve and improve scores. Then COVID,
- What can we prove on paper? We need to show signs of growth in improvement.
- Scores are stagnant – not showing growth. Not mastering what the students need to know.
- What are we doing to address the Comprehensive Status?
- Changed master schedule and added more time to Math and ELA. Borrowed time from electives to make Math and ELA 80 minutes rather than 40 minutes and changed to A/B days.
- Added Advisories for students.
- Wrote SEL curriculum over summer.
- Currently training staff on SEL.
- A lot of staff went through trauma during the pandemic as well.
- Happy Staff strategies – swag for staff, little things to show appreciation.
- Will be working with a consultant from NJEA
- Trauma Informed Instruction
- Students and staff have been through a lot over the past year. We are coming up on the holidays and starting to see the impacts.
- After School Programs
- Will be forthcoming – finalizing details.
- Glenfield is the community school. Please let us know if any family needs any additional support.
- Racially sensitive situations – misusing words.
- Bring the students in to discuss the sensitive issues and explain intended speech, words. People interpret words differently.
- Ms. Sims and Ms. Carrington are involved.
- Social skills need to be worked on – many socially awkward discussions or poor jokes.
- Group chats (8-12 students) can get out of hand – please talk to your students about how to communicate on their devices or on social media and be positive and not confrontational.
- Idea: Post positive communication/text message posters examples in the halls.
- Bring the students in to discuss the sensitive issues and explain intended speech, words. People interpret words differently.
Treasurer’s Report
- Budget was approved.
- Membership Drive
- Annual Appeal
- Waiting on CO for estimates for the deck gates.
- Engineers were at Glenfield to do a site visit and collect the requirements, sizes, etc.
- Spirit Wear Store – Glenfield Garb store is open!
- Can students request Garb if they have trouble paying for it?
- Work with the guidance counselors.
- Guidance office is focused on the whole year to provide support to families. No holiday specific activities currently.
- Can students request Garb if they have trouble paying for it?
PTA Events/Activities
- Black & Orange Dance
- Worked with Mr. Titus to plan the dance with the student council.
- Went very well inside the gym since it was rainy that evening.
- Limited to 100 students.
- Follow up dance or movie night event
- 6th, 7th, and 8th grade movie nights.
- Parent Social connect
- Looking at different locations for possible social parent night out.
- Hoping for December event.
SATp Update (Events/Initiatives/Updates)
- SATp meeting yesterday. First of 7 meetings. Meeting notes will be circulated.
- 125th Anniversary Committee – Logo Contest Winner
- Logo was designed by Clay Swanson, 7th Grader.
- Reunion Event
- DEI Committee – Tatiana
- MFEE Equity grant – Jody, Gina Fortt and Tatiana are working on it.
- Need more stakeholders from the student and parent bodies.
- Need to find what to target the $10,000.
- Considering a survey (looking for professional survey help) or community conversations + rubric/targeted questions.
- MFEE Equity grant – Jody, Gina Fortt and Tatiana are working on it.
BOE/PTAC Updates
- Transition from Type 1 (Appointed Board) to Type 2 District (Elected Board)
- Special Election will add 2 new board members.
- Every November will have elections to elect 3 members for 3 years terms.
- Board of School Estimates does not exist anymore. Any bond funding must have a referendum for work and will be voted on by the people.
- $10-20 million needed in annual infrastructure investments.
- BOE Meeting Structure
- Public Comments on Agenda items and then option for non-agenda public comments.
- Virtually via the WebEx over the last year with pandemic.
- Now must be in person.
- Board looking at hybrid option to provide equitable options for all.
- Public Comments on Agenda items and then option for non-agenda public comments.
- Labor Management Collaborative
- Through Rutgers University – broke through the barriers for the Board and MEA.
- More optimistic to work collaboratively with each group.
- Updates from Departments of Equity, Curriculum & Instruction and Technology
- On district website under Board Reports.
- SEPAC and Compensatory Education
- PTAC Committee work
- Reflections Program – Art contest sponsored by National PTA
- Communications Committee working together
- MFEE – $30,000 grant for touch devices for Acadience Learning assessments.
New Business/Q&A
Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 22 at 7:00pm
Meeting adjourned at 8:09 PM.
The Glenfield Black and Orange Dance is back Social Distance Style!
Postponed: Glenfield Ice Cream Social – Past Event
Reminder: Glenfield Town Hall – Past Event
Thursday, Sept. 2nd 6:30pm. Be on the lookout for an email from Principal Pierce with more details. Submit questions in advance about the Glenfield Middle School reopening protocols and the new master schedule until Friday, August 27th. Submit questions here: Glenfield Town Hall Q&A