Hillside PTA Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2021
(via Zoom)
- Brian welcomed everyone
- Approved Hillside PTA February 2021 meeting minutes
Principal’s report:
- We are working hard to be transparent and it has been hard to turn information over quickly. There was a court ruling March 10th, but we are waiting for official word to principals and families.We believe we are swinging doors open on 4/12 and we are just waiting for official communication.
- We were ready in November and we will be ready when we open. We worked really hard to create a plan, have updated it again, and thought through the schedule. We’re unique because of our aesthetics. We will have the opportunity to talk, discuss, and maybe have another video to minimize anxiety beforehand.
- Deadline for switching was Feb. 25/26. Parents have new information and as long as we keep the 2 cohorts, we will consider switches. We’ll figure out guidance for our Friday e-blast for parents around switching to in person. Dr. Anglin is sending notes to all parents who requested a switch; families need answers.
- Question: how should teachers talk to kids about returning to school when they’ve been disappointed time and time again? Once we get Superintendent input, we will ask how to deliver information to kids.
- Question: For parents remaining remote, will we get a refresher on schedule? Yes
- We are forming a committee for the Fall (parents, admin, teachers, etc.) to think about the plan. We can’t just drown in the immediate. We were recently asked how many desk shields we would need which led me to believe we are trying to maximize days/attendance in September.
Nominating Committee:
- Motion was called, seconded, unanimously approved to elect Nominating Committee of Dee Thompson, Sheila Boyd, Shaviece Osborne, Christina Robinson, Justin Taylor, Brian Fleischer is an alternate
- Considering Bingo Night and Book Fair for April/May
- 5th Grade Yearbook is under calendar reviews
- Peer Socialization Committee: we have formed several clubs about which we are excited. We still need more volunteers for the approximately 20 clubs. After we have enough volunteers, we will get a Signup genius going. Clubs will be virtually and/or in person. Getting help from high school and middle school volunteers.
- Graduation: we are paying close attention to guidelines of capacity limits from the Governor. As a district, we want to do something consistent across elementary school. We are going to have to work across district and governor rules. We have the 4th largest stepping up (150 kids w/o teachers, spectators).
- Explorers is going well right now and we will host outdoor Explorers classes outside as the weather gets nicer.. We should do another survey about a spring session. We will possibly look to the Social Justice team for book clubs.
- The yearbook is still running. Need to decide if we want to include 3rd/4th graders and make available for purchase (will be free to 5th graders). Need to determine how to get pictures for the kids who can’t come in.
Treasurer’s Report:
- We’re in the black, but low on both the income and expenditure side against the budget. Anticipate more income this spring from Spirit Wear, Book Sale, plus potentially yearbook sales and an appeal, as needed, particularly to support 5th grade stepping up.
SATp (Erika):
- Hillside Social Justice afterschool book club initiative to launch. Virtual Science Day planned for 4/23/2021, including a career panel. 2021-2022 volunteers needed for Hillside CARES, Health & Wellness, and curriculum-related SATp initiatives.
BOE/PTAC Report (Brian):
- Brian provided an update on the litigation/settlement status between the district and the MEA, an update on the district’s paused launch of GoGuardian, and an update on the SY 2021-2022 MPS budget. He also highlighted the district’s free and reduced price meals application drive, noting that families can apply if their income status has changed during the course of the year, and noted PTAC’s MPS 101 document and the PTAC Community Conversations on the MPS Budget Process.
Brian Fleischer
Jennifer Hand
Samanthaa Anglin
Betty Shvetz
Christina Robinson
Dana Rizzo
Dee Thompson
Erica Clark-Mitchell
Gina Chung Fortt
Justin Taylor
Linda Kow
Shaviece Osborne
Sheila Boyd
Thomas Adamo
Tinu Joseph
Yvette Frazier
Zoe La Salandra