Thanks for opening this email. It’s your first PTA newsletter. Look for a weekly newsletter from us. We’ll try and keep you updated on school and community activities. Interested in getting involved with our PTA? Sign up via our website. Join us to learn what we do at CHB and how you can contribute to this great community and beyond.
Our first PTA meeting is on Sept. 21st at 7 pm.
It’s virtual. We will send out a zoom link.
We know the beginning of school is overwhelming so we’re trying to keep the first few newsletters brief. But there’s a lot to digest, so please read the whole newsletter.
What do I need to know this week?
No School Thursday (9/16) due to observance of Yom Kippur.
Welcome Back Family Picnic at CHB Playground Friday (9/17) @6pm. Bring cash! Fourth-grade parents are selling pizza to raise money for 4th-grade activities. Please bring a blanket to sit on.
Also at the picnic, come meet members of BARET (Bullock Anti Racist Equity Team) and sign up for their book raffle.
We will also be selling spirit wear at the picnic — including lots of great merchandise like flannel pants, t-shirts, water bottles, and masks. Venmo accepted.
SEPAC – Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Everyone is welcome at SEPAC’s monthly parent/caregiver meeting. Join the virtual meeting.
Time: Sep 27th, 07:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Save the date for ASE at CHB!
The PTA ASE Committee will hold a 9-week after-school enrichment (ASE) program this fall.
Classes will run from October 18th through December 15th (once weekly) Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. Registration begins September 24th at 8:00 PM via the platform Homeroom & runs through September 28th at 11:59 PM. The program is first-come, first-served and classes fill up quickly.
View classes here.
***New to Homeroom? The first step is to register your students here.
Full financial aid for one class per student is available.
Email: Lauren Gutierrez atlgutierrez@montclair.k12.nj.us for information.
Si habla español y necesita ayuda para registrarse, comuníquese con chbenrichment@gmail.com.
Please contact chbenrichment@gmail.com with any questions.
Weekend Events:
Free Vaxx Clinic for students, staff, and families 12 & older
Sept. 17th, 3 pm-6 pm
George Inness Annex Atrium (MHS)
141 Park St.
Pre-registration required
Huge fall fest event Saturday (9/18) at the Montclair Art Museum. It’s a fun day of art, music, food, and fun.
Don’t forget to subscribe to the CHB Google Calendar. It’s super helpful.
PTA School Events Calendar
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