WEEK #26
March 9, 2022
Next PTA Meeting: Tuesday, March 15
Join us to help plan several exciting spring/end of year events AND for an exciting update from the Gardening Committee!
Save the date: Annual For the Love of Skating event- April 9th!
Our 4th and 5th graders will be on hand for pizza and bake sales.
Congrats and Good Luck!
Layla | Rivera-Bitar | Primary | Photography | K |
Hattie | Hudson-Plush | Primary | Visual Arts | 2 |
Blake | Rapino | Primary | Visual Arts | 2 |
Shop the CHB Spirit wear store 24/7 online.
Thanks for your support CHB families!
Your CHB PTA crew
Kim, Jaime, Shira, Devika and Kristine.
Reach out:
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The CHB PTA is an affiliate of the National
and New Jersey PTAs and is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.