DATE CHANGE: The Pancake Breakfast is now on Saturday, October 29. Fuel up for your Halloween activities! Order form to come. Email us to volunteer.
PTA/District Calendar: Upcoming Events
**Note: you can subscribe to the PTA calendar so that these events automatically pop up in Gcal or Outlook—scroll to the bottom for instructions
- Monday 10/10: Professional development for teachers- no school
- Tuesday 10/11: After School Enrichment begins
- Tuesday 10/18: School Picture Day
- Thursday 10/20: Early dismissal
- Monday 10/24: Diwali- no school
- Saturday 10/29: Pancake Breakfast at CHB (new date)
- Monday 10/31: School Halloween Parade, 2:00pm
If your child is signed up for ASE: the PTA will give homeroom teachers a list of participating students, but you may also wish to send a note in with your child reminding your teacher about dismissal on ASE days. Feel free to send in a nut free snack. Pick up is at 4:30pm in the front lobby of CHB.
Pssst: Stay tuned for exciting news about the Green Ball!
Community Events:
Volunteer for committees here and learn about our initiatives on our website.
Please support your school by becoming a PTA member here.
Don’t forget: you can shop for spiritwear online at the CHB store or in person at our events.
Thank you for reading!
Your CHB PTA crew
Shira, Ashley, Shelby, Devika and Kristine.
Reach out:
PTA School Events Calendar
Google Calendar Outlook Calendar
How to Sync the Calendar to Your iPhone
How to Sync the Calendar to Your Android Phone
The CHB PTA is an affiliate of the National
and New Jersey PTAs and is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.