MFEE (The Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence)
is bringing back its award-winning Showdown Montclair talent battle on November 7th. ShowUP features local hidden talent gems, success stories from Montclair schools — and even some familiar, super-talented Montclair Public School staff members!
Check out this highlight reel that gives you a peek at what ShowUP is all about. Funds raised will support MFEE and its new Arts Open Hearts Fund which fuels innovative arts programs that nurture students’ social and emotional health.
You won’t want to miss a surprise (shhhhh) performance by Ms. Pereira! Or a special appearance from your two fearless leaders. And join the pre-party featuring Nishuane Dads Mike Burke and Dave Harrison as hosts, and super-talented artists, Nishuane moms Danielle Lashley and April Smith performing at the pre-party! Donate to Ms. Pereira’s act and get your tickets here: